Thanks to everyone who is contributing to this database. The sample sizes are still pretty small to draw any major conclusions, so please continue to share this widely across the industry. Also, please continue to update your information by responding again as the situation in your footprint and/or at your bank changes. This is a very rapidly changing situation and we will continue to update this daily.
Click on any response to filter and use the timeline slider to see changes over time.
As of 3:00ET today, 36% of respondents reported that all branches were operating as usual. Of that group, 38% reported confirmed cases in their footprint and another 3% reported employee contact with confirmed cases.
Participate in our Twitter poll to help us dig into the reasons why branches are still operating as usual as the Center for Disease Control is recommending that employers minimize exposure between employees and also between employees and the public. We encourage all banks to balance maintaining access to much-needed banking services for their customers and communities with responsible social distancing measures to limit further spread of coronavirus.